786 |
P1828 [USACO3.2] 香甜的黄油 Sweet Butter
0 / 0 |
3 |
800 |
P1842 [USACO05NOV] 奶牛玩杂技
0 / 0 |
3 |
806 |
P1848 [USACO12OPEN] Bookshelf G
0 / 0 |
6 |
807 |
P1849 [USACO12MAR] Tractor S
1 / 1 |
4 |
813 |
P1856 [IOI1998] [USACO5.5] 矩形周长Picture
0 / 0 |
6 |
836 |
P1879 [USACO06NOV] Corn Fields G
1 / 1 |
5 |
841 |
P1884 [USACO12FEB] Overplanting S
0 / 0 |
4 |
850 |
P1894 [USACO4.2] 完美的牛栏The Perfect Stall
5 / 7 |
4 |
883 |
P1930 [USACO3.3] 亚瑟王的宫殿
1 / 1 |
5 |
890 |
P1937 [USACO10MAR] Barn Allocation G
0 / 0 |
5 |
891 |
P1938 [USACO09NOV] Job Hunt S
0 / 0 |
3 |
900 |
P1948 [USACO08JAN] Telephone Lines S
3 / 8 |
5 |
936 |
P1985 [USACO07OPEN] 翻转棋 Fliptile S
0 / 2 |
5 |
966 |
P2017 [USACO09DEC] Dizzy Cows G
0 / 0 |
4 |
982 |
P2035 [USACO08JAN] iCow B
0 / 0 |
2 |
1008 |
P2061 [USACO07OPEN] City Horizon S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1016 |
P2070 刷墙
0 / 0 |
4 |
1038 |
P2098 [USACO16DEC] Team Building P
0 / 0 |
5 |
1077 |
P2115 [USACO14MAR] Sabotage G
0 / 1 |
5 |
1112 |
P2176 [USACO11DEC] RoadBlock S / [USACO14FEB] Roadblock G/S
2 / 2 |
4 |
1182 |
P2202 [USACO13JAN] Square Overlap S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1185 |
P2203 Blink
0 / 0 |
3 |
1181 |
P2205 [USACO13JAN] Painting the Fence S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1186 |
P2207 Photo
0 / 0 |
3 |
1184 |
P2208 [USACO13OPEN] What's Up With Gravity S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1188 |
P2209 [USACO13OPEN] Fuel Economy S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1187 |
P2210 Haywire
0 / 0 |
4 |
1190 |
P2212 [USACO14MAR] Watering the Fields S
2 / 2 |
3 |
1191 |
P2213 [USACO14MAR] The Lazy Cow S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1192 |
P2214 [USACO14MAR] Mooo Moo S
0 / 0 |
4 |
1215 |
P2237 [USACO14FEB] Auto-complete S
0 / 0 |
4 |
1224 |
P2255 [USACO14JAN] Recording the Moolympics S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1168 |
P2338 [USACO14JAN] Bessie Slows Down S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1189 |
P2339 [USACO04OPEN] Turning in Homework G
0 / 4 |
5 |
1270 |
P2340 [USACO03FALL] Cow Exhibition G
0 / 0 |
3 |
1305 |
P2341 [USACO03FALL / HAOI2006] 受欢迎的牛 G
6 / 11 |
4 |
1320 |
P2344 [USACO11FEB] Generic Cow Protests G
0 / 0 |
5 |
1321 |
P2345 [USACO04OPEN] MooFest G
1 / 1 |
3 |
1362 |
P2376 [USACO09OCT] Allowance G
0 / 0 |
4 |
1379 |
P2385 [USACO07FEB] Bronze Lilypad Pond B
0 / 0 |
3 |
1419 |
P2411 [USACO07FEB] Silver Lilypad Pond S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1420 |
P2419 [USACO08JAN] Cow Contest S
2 / 2 |
4 |
1560 |
P2541 [USACO16DEC] Robotic Cow Herd P
0 / 0 |
5 |
1634 |
P2616 [USACO10JAN] Buying Feed, II S
0 / 0 |
2 |
1651 |
P2627 [USACO11OPEN] Mowing the Lawn G
2 / 3 |
5 |
1662 |
P2637 第一次,第二次,成交!
0 / 0 |
1 |
1663 |
P2639 [USACO09OCT] Bessie's Weight Problem G
6 / 26 |
2 |
1689 |
P2665 [USACO08FEB] Game of Lines S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1678 |
P2666 [USACO07OCT] Bessie's Secret Pasture S
0 / 0 |
2 |
1701 |
P2676 [USACO07DEC] Bookshelf B
0 / 0 |
1 |
1702 |
P2677 [USACO07DEC] Bookshelf 2 B
6 / 54 |
2 |
1665 |
P2687 [USACO4.3] 逢低吸纳Buy Low, Buy Lower
0 / 0 |
5 |
1712 |
P2690 [USACO04NOV] Apple Catching G
0 / 0 |
3 |
1716 |
P2693 [USACO1.3] 号码锁 Combination Lock
0 / 0 |
2 |
1715 |
P2694 接金币
0 / 0 |
2 |
1720 |
P2698 [USACO12MAR] Flowerpot S
0 / 0 |
5 |
1412 |
P2701 [USACO5.3] 巨大的牛棚Big Barn
1 / 1 |
3 |
1734 |
P2722 [USACO3.1] 总分 Score Inflation
7 / 15 |
2 |
1735 |
P2723 [USACO3.1] 丑数 Humble Numbers
0 / 0 |
4 |
1736 |
P2724 [USACO3.1] 联系 Contact
0 / 0 |
5 |
1737 |
P2725 [USACO3.1] 邮票 Stamps
0 / 0 |
3 |
1738 |
P2727 [USACO3.2] 01串 Stringsobits
0 / 0 |
5 |
1739 |
P2728 [USACO3.2] 纺车的轮子 Spinning Wheels
0 / 0 |
3 |
1740 |
P2729 [USACO3.2] 饲料调配 Feed Ratios
0 / 0 |
3 |
1741 |
P2730 [USACO3.2] 魔板 Magic Squares
1 / 1 |
4 |
1742 |
P2731 [USACO3.3] 骑马修栅栏 Riding the Fences
1 / 2 |
4 |
1743 |
P2732 [USACO3.3] 商店购物 Shopping Offers
0 / 0 |
5 |
1744 |
P2733 [USACO3.3] 家的范围 Home on the Range
1 / 1 |
3 |
1745 |
P2734 [USACO3.3] 游戏 A Game
1 / 1 |
3 |
1746 |
P2735 [USACO3.4] 网 Electric Fences
0 / 0 |
3 |
1747 |
P2736 [USACO3.4] “破锣摇滚”乐队 Raucous Rockers
0 / 0 |
4 |
1748 |
P2737 [USACO4.1] 麦香牛块Beef McNuggets
0 / 0 |
4 |
1749 |
P2738 [USACO4.1] 篱笆回路Fence Loops
0 / 0 |
5 |
1765 |
P2739 [USACO4.4] 棋盘游戏Shuttle Puzzle
0 / 0 |
4 |
1752 |
P2740 [USACO4.2] 草地排水Drainage Ditches
2 / 2 |
5 |
1753 |
P2741 [USACO4.4] 重叠的图像Frame Up
0 / 0 |
5 |
1754 |
P2742 [USACO5.1] 圈奶牛Fencing the Cows /【模板】二维凸包
1 / 1 |
5 |
1755 |
P2743 [USACO5.1] 乐曲主题Musical Themes
0 / 0 |
5 |
1756 |
P2744 [USACO5.3] 量取牛奶Milk Measuring
0 / 0 |
5 |
1757 |
P2745 [USACO5.3] 窗体面积Window Area
0 / 0 |
5 |
1758 |
P2746 [USACO5.3] 校园网Network of Schools
0 / 0 |
4 |
1759 |
P2747 [USACO5.4] 周游加拿大Canada Tour
0 / 0 |
5 |
5125 |
P2748 [USACO16OPEN] Landscaping P
1 / 1 |
5 |
1764 |
P2749 [USACO5.1] 夜空繁星Starry Night
0 / 0 |
5 |
1760 |
P2750 [USACO5.5] 贰五语言Two Five
0 / 0 |
6 |
1761 |
P2751 [USACO4.2] 工序安排 Job Processing
0 / 0 |
5 |
1762 |
P2752 [USACO4.3] 街道赛跑Street Race
0 / 0 |
5 |
1763 |
P2753 [USACO4.3] 字母游戏Letter Game
0 / 0 |
5 |
1780 |
P2771 [USACO16JAN] Build Gates S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1879 |
P2837 [USACO08FEB] Dining Cows B
0 / 0 |
2 |
1796 |
P2845 [USACO15DEC] Switching on the Lights S
0 / 0 |
4 |
1883 |
P2846 [USACO08NOV] Light Switching G
1 / 1 |
4 |
1894 |
P2847 [USACO16DEC] Moocast G
0 / 0 |
4 |
1896 |
P2848 [USACO16DEC] Cow Checklist G
0 / 0 |
5 |
1891 |
P2849 [USACO14DEC] Marathon S
0 / 0 |
3 |
1897 |
P2850 [USACO06DEC] Wormholes G
1 / 1 |
4 |
1898 |
P2851 [USACO06DEC] The Fewest Coins G
1 / 1 |
5 |
1899 |
P2852 [USACO06DEC] Milk Patterns G
0 / 0 |
4 |
1900 |
P2853 [USACO06DEC] Cow Picnic S
1 / 1 |
3 |
1901 |
P2854 [USACO06DEC] Cow Roller Coaster S
0 / 0 |
4 |