#P2905. [USACO08OPEN] Crisis on the Farm G

    ID: 1952 Type: RemoteJudge 1000ms 125MiB Tried: 0 Accepted: 0 Difficulty: 5 Uploaded By: Tags>字符串动态规划,dp搜索2008USACO

[USACO08OPEN] Crisis on the Farm G


约翰和他的奶牛组建了一只乐队“后街奶牛”,现在他们正在牧场里排练。奶牛们分成一堆一堆,共 10001000)堆。每一堆里,3030 只奶牛一只踩在另一只的背上,叠成一座牛塔。牧场 里还有 M(1<M<1000)M(1 < M < 1000) 个高高的草垛。




约翰还有 KK 次吹口哨的机会.那他最多还能救多少奶牛呢?请计算最多能挽救的奶牛数,以及达到这个数目约翰需要吹的口哨调子序列。序列用 E,W,S,N\mathtt{E,W,S,N} 表示东西南北。如果有多种序列能达到 要求,输出作为字符串最小的。


* Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, M, and K

* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 describes the X,Y location of a stack of 30 cows using two space-separated integers: X_i and Y_i

* Lines N+2..N+M+1: Line i+N+1 describes the X,Y location of a haystack using two space-separated integers: X_i and Y_i


* Line 1: A single integer that is the most number of cows that can be saved.

* Line 2: K characters, the lexicographically least sequence of commands FJ should issue to maximize the number of cows saved.

3 6 3 
3 4 
6 2 
5 7 
8 2 
9 2 
6 4 
5 4 
6 7 
8 7 



Use the 'east' whistle three times, at which point the milk floods the area. Each haystack ends up saving 1 cow.

对于 100%100\% 的数据,1K301\le K\le 301N,M,Xi,Yi10001\le N,M,X_i,Y_i\le 1000