#P10821. [EC Final 2020] Rooks

    ID: 10192 Type: RemoteJudge 2000ms 256MiB Tried: 0 Accepted: 0 Difficulty: 3 Uploaded By: Tags>模拟2020O2优化排序ICPC

[EC Final 2020] Rooks


Prof. Pang plays chess against his rival Prof. Shou. They are the only two players in the game. The chessboard is very large and can be viewed as a 2D plane. Prof. Pang placed n1n_1 rooks and Prof. Shou placed n2n_2 rooks. Each rook is a point with integer coordinates on the chessboard. One rook is attacked\textit{attacked} by another rook if they satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • They are placed by different players.
  • They have the same xx-coordinate or yy-coordinate.
  • There is no other rook on the line segment between them.

Help Prof. Pang and Prof. Shou to decide which rooks are attacked.


The first line contains two integers n1,n2n_1, n_2 (1n1,n22000001\le n_1, n_2\le 200000) separated by a single space denoting the number of rooks placed by Prof. Pang and the number of rooks placed by Prof. Shou.

The ii-th (1in11\le i\le n_1) line of the next n1n_1 lines contains two integers x,yx, y (109x,y109-10^9\le x, y\le 10^9) separated by a single space denoting the location (x,y)(x, y) of the ii-th rook placed by Prof. Pang.

The ii-th (1in21\le i\le n_2) line of the next n2n_2 lines contains two integers x,yx, y (109x,y109-10^9\le x, y\le 10^9) separated by a single space denoting the location (x,y)(x, y) of the ii-th rook placed by Prof. Shou.

It is guaranteed that the n1+n2n_1+n_2 rooks placed by the players are distinct (i.e., no two rooks can have the same location).


Output a string with length n1n_1 on the first line. The ii-th (1in11\le i\le n_1) character should be 11 if the ii-th rook placed by Prof. Pang is attacked and 00 otherwise.

Output a string with length n2n_2 on the second line. The ii-th (1in21\le i\le n_2) character should be 11 if the ii-th rook placed by Prof. Shou is attacked and 00 otherwise.

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