$$\sum_{a=1}^{8}\lambda_a\xi_a=\frac{F}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\pi^0+\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}\eta^0 & \pi^+ & K^+ \\ \pi- & -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\pi^0+\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}\eta^0 & K^0 \\ \bar{K}^- & \bar{K}^0 & -\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\eta^0 \end{pmatrix} =\frac{F}{\sqrt{2}}B $$但是同时,
$$\widetilde{\Delta}_ku_0=F^{-1}(1_{\zeta\in V_k}\hat{u_0}(\zeta))\text{ },\text{ }\sum_{k\in N}\begin{Vmatrix}\widetilde{\Delta}_ku_0\end{Vmatrix}^2_{H^s}<+\infty $$
$$P(\Omega_{\infty,s})\ge1-Ce^{\frac{-c}{\begin{Vmatrix}(1-e^{-a|k|^{2a}T})^{\frac{1}{a}}|k|^s\alpha^i_k\end{Vmatrix}^2_{l^2_{k,i}}}} $$以及考虑到
$$\lVert u\rVert_{\alpha,\beta}=\sup_{x\in\mathbf{R}^n}|x^\alpha\partial^\beta u(x)| $$我们得出结论你说的是废话
$$\oplus_\Lambda\mathbf{F}(A)\xrightarrow{\text{ }f\text{ }}\oplus_\Omega\mathbf{F}(A)\twoheadrightarrow W $$//written by blue_239k #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<Windows.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip> #include<math.h> using namespace std; #define handle GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) #define f_int FOREGROUND_INTENSITY #define f_r FOREGROUND_RED #define f_g FOREGROUND_GREEN #define f_b FOREGROUND_BLUE #define b_int BACKGROUND_INTENSITY #define b_r BACKGROUND_RED #define b_g BACKGROUND_GREEN #define b_b BACKGROUND_BLUE #define f_white f_r | f_g | f_b #define b_white b_r | b_g | b_b #define settext SetConsoleTextAttribute #define decision_eps 0.0001 //int maxlength = 0; string number[128] = {"7", "7", "4", "4"}; long double numop1, numop2; short op; void color(bool flip){ if(flip){ settext(handle, 0); settext(handle, b_int | b_r | b_g | b_b); } else{ settext(handle, 0); settext(handle, f_int | f_r | f_g | f_b); } } void number_out(short row, string* text, short pos, int maxlength){//output the current number situation system("cls"); for(short i = 0; i < row; i++){ color(i == pos); cout << stold(text[i]); for(int j = 0; j < maxlength - (int)(log(stold(text[i]))/log(10)); j++){ cout << " "; } color(0); // cout << "\n"; } } void botton_out(short row, string* text, short pos, int maxlength){//output the current button situation system("cls"); for(short i = 0; i < row; i++){ color(i == pos); cout << text[i]; for(int j = 0; j < maxlength + 1 - (int)text[i].length(); j++){ cout << " "; } color(0); // cout << "\n"; } } int numplat(short row, string* text, bool afterop); void operplat(short row, string* text, short pos){ short operrow = 4; string opertext[128] = {"+", "-", "*", "/"}; short operpos = 0; botton_out(operrow, opertext, 0, 1); while(1){ if(_kbhit()){ int ch = getch(); switch(ch){ case 75://left if(operpos == 0){ operpos = row; } operpos--; botton_out(operrow, opertext, operpos, 1); break; case 77: if(operpos == operrow - 1){ operpos = -1; } operpos++; botton_out(operrow, opertext, operpos, 1); break; case 32://space // case 13://enter string textselect[row - 1]; for(int i = 0; i < row - 1; i++){ if(i < pos){ textselect[i] = text[i]; } if(i >= pos){ textselect[i] = text[i + 1]; } } op = operpos; numplat(row - 1, textselect, 1); break; } } Sleep(20); } } int numplat(short row, string* text, bool afterop){ short pos = 0; int maxlength = 0; for(short j = 0; j < row; j++){ maxlength = max(maxlength, 1 + (int)(log(stold(text[j]))/log(10))); } number_out(row, text, 0, maxlength); while(1){ if(_kbhit()){ int ch = getch(); switch(ch){ case 75://left if(pos == 0){ pos = row; } pos--; number_out(row, text, pos, maxlength); break; case 77: if(pos == row - 1){ pos = -1; } pos++; number_out(row, text, pos, maxlength); break; case 32://space // case 13://enter if(!afterop){ numop1 = stold(text[pos]); operplat(row, text, pos); } if(afterop){ numop2 = stold(text[pos]); long double replacenum; switch(op){ case 0: replacenum = numop1 + numop2; break; case 1: replacenum = numop1 - numop2; break; case 2: replacenum = numop1 * numop2; break; case 3: replacenum = numop1 / numop2; break; } text[pos] = to_string(replacenum); if(row == 1 && stold(text[row - 1]) - 24 < decision_eps){ system("cls"); cout << "You win!" << endl; return 1; } else{ if(row == 1){ system("cls"); cout << "You lost!" << endl; return 0; } numplat(row, text, 0); } } break; } } Sleep(20); } } int main(){ cout << setprecision(3); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO CursorInfo; GetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo); CursorInfo.bVisible = false; SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo); numplat(4, number, 0); return 0; }
Recent Activities
- 2023-2024第二学期初二信息竞赛组期末考 IOI
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- 2023上学期初二竞赛组期末考 OI
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