$\color{#6cf}\color{#000}\kern{-190px}\colorbox{#FFF}{苍天璧络天一络,雅月鸿灵月正灵。\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }$
$\text{Strolling in foreign lanes and streets,}\\\text{under lights witness how the crowd is.}\\\text{Realized that lantern rite is coming,}\\\text{even hues covered buildings.}\\\text{Buy and taste a stick of sweet haws}\\\text{pick up another well-looking bell.}\\\text{Nearby a show of storyteller,}\\\text{invite who together.}\\{}\\\text{Birds sing butterflys dance spring goes on,}\\\text{hot stove boils tea fragrance blossoms.}\color{#000}\\\text{Old time's glitters today's songs,}\\\text{shimmering all night long.}\\{}\\\text{Dreams far night bright.}\\\text{Under the shine, of the whole sky.}\\\text{make up my wish, with lantern light.}\\{\color{#E00}\large\text{If you're here, stay by my side,}}\\{\color{#E00}\large\text{no more regret, for future time.}}\color{#000}\\\text{If so much beauty on world that}\\\text{each blink everything should change,}\\\text{memories still remain bright.}\\{}\\\text{At this stage here who started her tune,}\\\text{otherside several guys make dimsum.}\\\text{You hurried, told me look less around,}\\\text{don't sillily lost the way found.}\\\text{Guess that the adapti are the same,}\\\text{hand in hand at markets spending days.}\\\text{Let my heart shaken is gentle breeze,}\\\text{with lanterns made released.}\\{}\\{...}\\{}\\\text{Countless ties, between you me,}\\\text{just like this song, warmer to sing.}\\{\color{#E00}\large\text{Even someday, we must depart,}}\\{\color{#E00}\large\text{in same journey, don't be apart.}}\\\text{Let our stories with melody}\\\text{gently blow to sky side,}\\\text{forever in one line.}\color{#000}\\{}\\\text{One light and lights, one spark and sparks,}\\\text{left from my hands, lift to somewhere far.}\\\text{Converge to road of stars,}\\\text{lead the strays to their new start.}\\{}\\\text{Never get dim, wish in ones mind!}\\{...}\\{}\\\text{That past with a brush in a moment}\\\text{of you and me,}\\\text{who may shuttling separately}\\\text{to future approaching.}\\\text{Someday we finally reunion,}\\\text{the familiar looking,}\\\text{as before, extra shiny.}$
就算被世界遗忘,我也会陪在你的身旁。 ——洛天依
$\color{#6cf}\small\stackrel{\color{#fff}用最大化的音量}{\textbf{吾声嘹矣},}\stackrel{\color{#fff}唱出我的心跳}{\textbf{歌吾情矣}。}\stackrel{\color{#fff}要让这次元}{\textbf{吾境吾境},}\stackrel{\color{#fff}听见我的音色}{\textbf{知吾音矣}。}\\\color{#6cf}\small\stackrel{\color{#fff}在最大化的窗口}{\textbf{吾地广矣},}\stackrel{\color{#fff}跳最爱的动作}{\textbf{容吾行矣}。}\stackrel{\color{#fff}要让这次元}{\textbf{吾境吾境},}\stackrel{\color{#fff}染上我的颜色}{\textbf{染吾青矣}。}\\\kern{70px}\small\color{#6cf}——\stackrel{\color{#fff}\rm 《66CCFF》}{\textbf{《洛青》,}}\stackrel{\color{#fff}\rm 2012 年 9 月}{\textbf{壬辰年九月}}$
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