• Bio



    kkksc03 Genshin Image pFE1Yfe.png

    逸一时,误一世\color {18b34f}\LARGE 逸一时,误一世 逸久逸久罢已龄\color {250fda}\large逸久逸久罢已龄 吃好喝好,一路走好\color {bf0231}\small吃好喝好,一路走好 $$\small\texttt{\color{#FA4129}本}\huge\texttt{\color{#FE9019}人}_{\small\texttt{\color{#FFE304}的}^{\large\texttt{\color{#FFEC01}萌\color{#FFF900}新}\small\texttt{\color{#FCFB03}Q\color{#F8FB07}A\color{#F1FB0B}Q}}}^{\large\texttt{\color{#FFB511}是}{\small\texttt{\color{#FFDC07}刚\color{#FFEF00}学}\large\texttt{\color{#FFF600}O\color{#FFFA00}I}}}\huge\texttt{\color{#E6F911}但\color{#92E82F}是}^{\large\texttt{\color{#39D54B}即}{\small\texttt{\color{#03C767}使}}}_{\normalsize\text{\color{#07C964}是\color{#00C789}这\color{#00C7A5}样}}\texttt{\color{#00CBC6}我\color{#00D0EB}也}^{\small\texttt{\color{#00D0F2}要}\normalsize\texttt{\color{#00D0F6}用}\texttt{\color{#03BEF4}蒟}_{\texttt{\color{#04AAEF}蒻}\large\texttt{\color{#078DE4}的}}}_{\scriptsize\texttt{\color{#01CDF6}声\color{#03C2F5}音\color{#04B4F2}大\color{#04A7EE}声\color{#0791E6}喊\color{#0A7BDD}出}}\mathcal{\color{#125BCD}IOI\color{#3D2AB5}AK\color{#A011AD}ME} $$

    $% w, h, fillcol, bordercol \newcommand\BorderRect[4]{ \color{#3}\rule{#1}{#2}\kern{-#1} \color{#4}\rule{0.5px}{#2}\kern{-0.5px} \rule{#1}{0px}\rule{0.5px}{#2}\kern{-0.5px} \kern{-#1}\rule[#2]{#1}{0px} } % w, h, title, subtitle, fillcol, iconch ,iconcol \newcommand\BasicInfoBarFather[8]{ \BorderRect{#1}{#2}{#5}{ghostwhite} \kern{-#1} \raisebox{#2}{ \raisebox{-26pt}{ \color{black}\kern{-4px} \raisebox{7px}{ \color{#7}\Huge{∙}\kern{-1px} } \raisebox{10.6px}{ \kern{-20.2px} \color{white}\scriptsize\textbf{#6} } \kern{-7px}\footnotesize \raisebox{10.2px}{\textbf{\textsf{\color{#8}#3}}}\kern{2px} \raisebox{10.2px}{\textsf{#4}} } } } \def\BasicInfoBarColorFill{#F4F4F4}\def\BasicInfoBarColorIcon{#0078D4} \def\BasicWarnBarColorFill{#FFF4CE}\def\BasicWarnBarColorIcon{#9D5D00} \def\BasicOkBarColorFill{#DFF6DD}\def\BasicOkBarColorIcon{#0F7B0F} \def\BasicErrBarColorFill{#FDE7E9}\def\BasicErrBarColorIcon{#C42B1C} \newcommand\BasicInfoBar[5]{ \BasicInfoBarFather{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {\BasicInfoBarColorFill}{i}{\BasicInfoBarColorIcon}{\BasicInfoBarColorIcon} } \newcommand\BasicWarnBar[5]{ \BasicInfoBarFather{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {\BasicWarnBarColorFill}{i}{\BasicWarnBarColorIcon}{\BasicWarnBarColorIcon} } \newcommand\BasicOkBar[5]{ \BasicInfoBarFather{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {\BasicOkBarColorFill} {\tiny\kern{-2px}\raisebox{0.8px}{√}} {\BasicOkBarColorIcon}{\BasicOkBarColorIcon} } \newcommand\BasicErrBar[5]{ \BasicInfoBarFather{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {\BasicErrBarColorFill} {\kern{-2px}\raisebox{0.6px}{×}} {\BasicErrBarColorIcon}{\BasicErrBarColorIcon} } \BasicWarnBar{200px}{26px}{警告}{此人太蒻了,请小心}{#000000}\\ \BasicInfoBar{200px}{26px}{提醒}{近墨者黑}{#000000}\\ \BasicErrBar{200px}{26px}{请勿}{膜拜我}{#000000}\\ \BasicOkBar{200px}{26px}{应该}{嘲讽并踩爆这个蒟蒻}{#000000}\\$

    GenshinImpact:2927150738级萌新求带Genshin Impact : 292715073\newline 8级萌新求带

    抄语文作业 = 借鉴
    抄数学作业 = 类比
    抄英语作业 = copy
    抄地理作业 = 迁移
    抄生物作业 = 转录
    抄物理作业 = 参考系
    抄化学作业 = 同分异构
    抄政治作业 = 求同存异
    抄历史作业 = 文化大统一
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    $$\text{↑}\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad $$

    0 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 640 1 0 1 0 51 23 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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    $$\boxed{\begin{gathered} \color{#000000}\rule{320pt}{450pt}\cr[-450pt] \begin{gathered}\colorbox{red}{\color{white}{\bf{MONKEY APPEARS}}}\end{gathered}\cr \color{white}{\text{我们正在提醒各位观猴的人们,也就是看到这份警告的您:}}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\bf{\text{道路千万条,规范第一条。}}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\bf{\text{观猴又对线,禁言两行泪。}}}\end{gathered}\cr \textcolor{#b0b0b0}{\underline{\kern{280pt}}}\cr \begin{gathered}\end{gathered} \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\text{为什么您会收到这条消息?这是因为:}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\bf{\underline{\text{某些猴子可能会发起挑衅,使您与它对线,从而达到哗众取宠的目的}}}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\text{我们建议,您在观猴的时候,注意以下几点:}}\end{gathered}\cr\kern{280pt}\cr[-10pt] \begin{aligned}&\kern{280pt}\cr[-10pt] &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{不要和猴子疯狂对线——永远不要。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{不要试图对其进行劝导或劝诫,它听不进去!}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{不要对猴子那可怜的IP进行DDoS攻击,请怜悯猴子们。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{不要远程控制或关猴子的电脑——给猴子一些尊重罢。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{不要不停地回复猴子——请让它尽情耍猴。}} \cr \end{aligned}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\text{同时,我们建议您做这些事情:}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{aligned}&\kern{280pt}\cr[-10pt] &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{静静地窥屏并等待管理员の出现。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{多看看陶片。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{举报猴子。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{适当地和猴子对线。}} \cr &\bullet \color{yellow}\textbf{\text{奔走相告,让更多人前来观猴。}} \cr \end{aligned}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\text{最后,我们为这只可怜的猴子@username献上:}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{red}\Large\frak\fcolorbox{#40f0f0}{#faffe0}{Write my name in front of the \bf MOUNTAINS!}\end{gathered}\cr \textcolor{#b0b0b0}{\underline{\kern{280pt}}}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\small \text{如果你也想获得这份警告,请复制以下链接:}}\end{gathered}\cr \begin{gathered}\color{white}{\small https://www.luogu.com.cn/paste/tv7loauq} \end{gathered} \end{gathered}} $$

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