#P7033. [NWRRC 2016] CodeCoder vs TopForces
[NWRRC 2016] CodeCoder vs TopForces
Competitive programming is very popular in Byteland. In fact, every Bytelandian citizen is registered at two programming sites -- CodeCoder and TopForces. Each site maintains its own proprietary rating system. Each citizen has a unique integer rating at each site that approximates their skill. Greater rating corresponds to better skill.
People of Byteland are naturally optimistic. Citizen A thinks that he has a chance to beat citizen B in a programming competition if there exists a sequence of Bytelandian citizens for some such that for each has higher rating than at one or both sites.
Each Bytelandian citizen wants to know how many other citizens they can possibly beat in a programming competition.
The first line of the input contains an integer -- the number of citizens . lines contain information about ratings. The i-th of them contains two integers -- ratings of the i-th citizen at CodeCoder and TopForces All the ratings at each site are distinct.
For each citizen output an integer -- how many other citizens they can possibly beat in a programming competition. Each should be printed in a separate line, in the order the citizens are given in the input.
有 个人,每个人有两个能力值 和 。第 个人能打败第 个人当且仅当 或 。
强的关系具有传递性,也就是说 比 强, 比 强,那么 比 强。 求出每个人最多可以打败的人的个数。
,,数据保证 两两不同、 两两不同。
2 3
3 2
1 1
4 5
Time limit: 2 s, Memory limit: 256 MB.