#P7032. [NWRRC 2016] Boys and Girls

[NWRRC 2016] Boys and Girls


Bob found a nice task in his old math book for children. It says:

There are 1010 children standing in a circle, 55 of them stand next to a boy, and 77 of them stand next to a girl. How is it possible?

Here is the solution to the task. If 44 boys and 66 girls stand like this: BGBGBGBGGG, there are 55 children who stand next to a boy (here they are underlined: BGBGBGBGGG), and 77 children who stand next to a girl (BGBGBGBGGG).(BGBGBGBGGG).

Now Bob wants to solve a generalized version of this task:

There are nn children standing in a circle, xx of them stand next to a boy, and yy of them stand next to a girl. How is it possible?

Help Bob by writing a program that solves the generalized task.


The single line of the input contains three integers n,xn , x and y(2n100000y (2 \le n \le 100 000 ; 0x,yn)0 \le x , y \le n) .


If there is a solution, output a string of length nn , describing the order of children in the circle. Character ‘GCharacter ‘G' corresponds to a girl, character B‘B' corresponds to a boy. If there are several solutions, output any of them.of the_m.

If there is no solution, output Impossible.




1010 个孩子站成一个圆圈,其中 55 个站在一个男孩旁边, 77 个站在一个女孩旁边。如何解决这个任务?

这个任务的解决方案如下:如果 44 个男孩和 66 个女孩像这样站着:bgbgbbgggbgbgbbggg,那么有 555 个孩子站在一个男孩旁边(用粗体字标记:bgbgbgbggg), 777 个孩子站在一个女孩旁边(用粗体字标记:bgbgbgbggg)。


nn 个孩子站在一个圆圈里,其中 xx 个孩子站在一个男孩旁边, yy 个孩子站在一个女孩旁边。如何解决这个任务?



一行,包括三个整数 nn , xx , yy 。(2n1000002≤n≤100000; 0x,yn0≤x,y≤n)


若有解,输出一个长度为 nn 的字符串,描述圆中元素的顺序。每个字符 GG 对应一个女孩,字符 BB 对应一个男孩。如果有多个解决方案,则输出其中任意一种。 如果没有解决方案,输出'Impossible' 。(不包括引号)

10 5 7


10 3 8



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