#P6966. [NEERC 2016] Cactus Construction

[NEERC 2016] Cactus Construction


Let us consider the following way of constructing graphs. Pick the number of colors ˆcˆc . Let nn be the number of vertices in a graph. To build a graph, we use a workspace with several graphs in it. Each vertex of each graph has a color. Colors are denoted by integers from 11 to ˆcˆc . Initially, we have nn graphs in a workspace with one vertex in each graph, all colored with color 11 , and no edges. The only vertex of i-th graph has number ii .

The following operations are permitted:

join a bb : join graphs containing vertices a and bb into one graph. No edges are added. Vertices a and bb must be in different graphs.

recolor a c1c2:c_{1 }c_{2}: in graph containing vertex a recolor all vertices of color c1c_{1} with color c2.c_{2}.

connect a c1c2:c_{1 }c_{2}: in graph containing vertex a create edges between all pairs of vertices where one vertex has color c1c_{1} and the other has color c2.c_{2}. If c1=c2c_{1} = c_{2} loops are not created. If such an edge already exists, then the second parallel edge is created. Multi-edges are not allowed in this problem, so this case must not occur.

At the end we should have a single graph and colors of its vertices do not matter.

The minimal number of colors ˆcˆc , that can be used to construct a graph, is called a clique width of a graph. Clique width is one of the characteristics of graph complexity. Many NP-hard problems can be solved in polynomial time on graphs with bounded clique width, using dynamic programming on this process of building a graph. For a general graph, calculating the exact value of a clique width is known to be NP-hard. However, for some graph classes bounds on a clique width are known.

Cactus is a connected undirected graph in which every edge lies on at most one simple cycle. Intuitively cactus is a generalization of a tree where some cycles are allowed. Multi-edges (multiple edges between a pair of vertices) and loops (edges that connect a vertex to itself) are not allowed in a cactus. It is known that a clique width of a cactus does not exceed 44 .

You are given a cactus. Find out how to build it in the described way using at most ˆc=4ˆc = 4 colors.


The first line of the input file contains two integers nn and m(1n50000m (1 \le n \le 50 000 ; 0m50000)0 \le m \le 50 000) . Here nn is the number of vertices in the graph. Vertices are numbered from 11 to nn . Edges of the graph are represented by a set of edge-distinct paths, where mm is the number of such paths.

Each of the following mm lines contains a path in the graph. A path starts with an integer ki(2ki1000)k_{i} (2 \le k_{i } \le 1000) followed by kik_{i} integers from 11 to nn . These kik_{i} integers represent vertices of a path. Adjacent vertices in the path are distinct. The path can go to the same vertex multiple times, but every edge is traversed exactly once in the whole input file.

The graph in the input file is a cactus.


In the first line print one integer qq -- the number of operations you need. This number should not be greater than 10610^{6} . In the next qq lines print operations. Each operation is denoted by its first letter (j for join, r for recolor and c for connect) and its arguments in the order they are described in the problem statement.

At the end, after applying all these operations, one should have one graph, which is equal to the cactus in the input. This means that there should be exactly one edge between each pair of vertices connected in the input graph, and no edges between vertices not connected in the input graph.


nn 个集合,初始第 ii 个集合只包含第 ii 个点,每个点的初始颜色都为 11。要求使用下列 33 种操作构建出给定的仙人掌。输出方案,操作数不得多于 10610^6

  • j a bj\ a\ b,将 aa 所在的集合和 bb 所在的集合合并成一个集合。

  • r a c1 c2r\ a\ c_1\ c_2c1,c2[1,2,3,4]c_1,c_2\in[1,2,3,4]),将 aa 所在的集合中,所有颜色为 c1c_1 的点的颜色改为 c2c_2

  • c a c1 c2c\ a\ c_1\ c_2,将 aa 所在的集合中,每一个颜色为 c1c_1 的点连向每一个 颜色为 c2c_2 的点,不允许出现重边

输入第一行为点数 nnmm 条(n,m50000n,m\leq 50000)边不重复的路径,每条边恰好会出现一次。接下来每行第一个数字 kik_i(2ki10002\leq k_i\leq1000) 代表路径的点数,后面 kik_i 个数字表示一条路径。

8 2
5 1 2 3 4 7
5 4 5 6 1 8

r 2 1 2
j 2 3
c 2 1 2
r 6 1 2
j 5 6
c 6 1 2
r 4 1 3
j 4 3
j 4 6
j 4 7
c 4 3 1
r 4 3 1
r 8 1 2
r 1 1 3
j 1 8
j 1 4
c 1 3 2

15 3
9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3
7 2 9 10 11 12 13 10
5 2 14 9 15 10

r 7 1 2
r 5 1 2
j 7 8
c 7 1 2
j 5 4
c 5 1 2
r 6 1 3
j 6 7
j 6 5
c 6 3 2
r 3 1 4
j 6 3
c 6 4 1
r 11 1 2
r 13 1 2
j 12 11
j 12 13
c 11 1 2
r 10 1 3
j 12 10
c 10 2 3
r 10 1 2
r 10 4 2
r 15 1 3
j 15 10
c 15 3 3
j 9 10
c 9 1 3
r 9 3 2
r 9 1 4
r 14 1 4
j 9 14
c 9 4 4
r 1 1 4
r 3 1 2
j 2 1
j 2 14
j 2 3
c 2 1 4


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