#P6928. [ICPC 2016 WF] What Really Happened on Mars?

[ICPC 2016 WF] What Really Happened on Mars?


Real-time software in the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft suffered from an issue known as priority inversion. One technique to address this issue is to use the Priority Ceiling Protocol.

In this problem, you will simulate the execution of multiple tasks according to this protocol. The tasks share a collection of resources, each of which can be used by only one task at a time. To ensure this, resources must be locked before use and unlocked after use. Each task is defined by a start time, a unique base priority, and a sequence of instructions. Each task also has a current priority, which may change during execution. Instructions come in three types:

compute – perform a computation for one microsecond

lock kk – lock resource kk (which takes no processor time)

unlock kk – unlock resource kk (which takes no processor time)

After locking a resource, a task is said to own the resource until the task unlocks it. A task will unlock only the owned resource it most recently locked, will not lock a resource it already owns, and will complete with no owned resources.

Each resource has a fixed priority ceiling, which is the highest base priority of any task that contains an instruction to lock that resource.

There is a single processor that executes the tasks. When the processor starts, it initializes its clock to zero and then runs an infinite loop with the following steps:

Step 1.

Identify running tasks. A task is running if its start time is less than or equal to the current processor clock and not all of its instructions have been executed.

Step 2.

Determine the current priorities of the running tasks and which of the running tasks are blocked. A running task TT is blocked if the next instruction in TT is to lock resource kk and either resource kk is already owned or at least one other task owns a resource \ell whose priority ceiling is greater than or equal to the current priority of TT. If TT is blocked, it is said to be blocked by every task owning such kk or \ell . The current priority of a task TT is the maximum of TT’s base priority and the current priorities of all tasks that TT blocks.

Step 3.

Execute the next instruction of the non-blocked running task (if any) with the highest current priority. If there was no such task or if a compute instruction was executed, increment the processor clock by one microsecond. If a lock or unlock instruction was executed, do not increment the clock.

The Priority Ceiling Protocol defined above has the following properties:

Current priority is defined in terms of current priority and blocking, and blocking is defined in terms of current priority. While this may appear circular, there will always be a unique set of current priorities that satisfy the definitions.

All tasks will eventually complete.

There will never be a tie in step 3.


The first line of the input contains two integers tt (1t20)(1 \leq t \leq 20), which is the number of tasks, and rr (1r201 \leq r \leq 20), which is the number of resources. This is followed by tt lines, where the ithi^\text {th} of these lines describes task ii. The description of a task begins with three integers: the task’s start time ss (1s100001 \leq s \leq 10\, 000), its base priority bb (1bt1 \leq b \leq t), and an integer aa (1a1001 \leq a \leq 100). A task description is concluded by a sequence of aa strings describing the instructions. Each string is a letter (C or L or U) followed by an integer. The string Cnn (1n1001 \leq n \leq 100) indicates a sequence of nn compute instructions. The strings Lkk and Ukk (1kr1 \leq k \leq r) indicate instructions locking and unlocking resource kk respectively.

No two tasks have the same base priority.


For each task, display the time it completes execution, in the same order that the tasks are given in the input.


你有 tt 个进程和 rr 个资源,每个进程包含其起始时间与基础优先级(保证两两不同),以及若干条指令。指令有以下三种:

  • compute:进行计算,消耗 11 微秒。
  • lock k:锁定编号为 kk 的资源,不耗时。
  • unlock k:解锁编号为 kk 的资源,不耗时。



有一个处理器处理这些进程。处理器有一个时钟初始为 00,然后重复执行下列步骤:

  1. 找出所有正在运行的进程。如果进程开始的时间不大于处理器的时钟且该进程的指令未运行完毕,那么称这个进程正在运行。

  2. 决定当前所有正在运行的进程的优先级,以及哪些正在运行的进程会被阻塞。进程 TT 会被阻塞当且仅当:

    • 进程 TT 的下一条指令是锁定资源 kk
    • 资源 kk 已经被其他进程拥有,或存在另一个进程拥有某个资源 \ell\ell最高优先级大于 TT当前优先级

    此时我们称进程 TT 被所有拥有资源 kk 或满足条件的资源 \ell 的进程阻塞。定义 TT当前优先级为所有阻塞它的进程的当前优先级与它本身的基础优先级的最大值。

  3. 执行当前优先级最高且没有被阻塞的进程的下一条指令。如果不存在这样的进程或者执行的指令是 compute,则将时钟加 11 微秒。



第一行两个整数 t,rt,r 表示进程和资源个数。

接下来 tt 行每行描述一个进程,格式如下:

  • 三个整数 s,b,as,b,a,表示进程起始时间、基础优先级、指令条数。
  • 接下来 aa 个字符串,每个字符串表示一条指令。字符串形如 Cn 表示连续 nncompute 指令(相互独立),Lk 表示锁定资源 kkRk 表示解锁资源 k


tt 行每行一个整数表示进程执行完毕的时间。

数据范围:1t,r20,s104,1bt1 \le t,r \le 20,s \le 10^4,1 \le b \le t 且互不相同,a100a \le 100Cnn100n \le 100Lk,Rk1kr1 \le k \le r

Translated by pokefunc (uid=188716)

3 1
50 2 5 C1 L1 C1 U1 C1
1 1 5 C1 L1 C100 U1 C1
70 3 1 C1


3 3
5 3 5 C1 L1 C1 U1 C1
3 2 9 C1 L2 C1 L3 C1 U3 C1 U2 C1
1 1 9 C1 L3 C3 L2 C1 U2 C1 U3 C1



Time limit: 1000 ms, Memory limit: 1048576 kB.

International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) World Finals 2016