#P6918. [ICPC 2016 WF] Branch Assignment

[ICPC 2016 WF] Branch Assignment


The Innovative Consumer Products Company (ICPC) is planning to start a top-secret project. This project consists of ss subprojects. There will be bsb \ge s branches of ICPC involved in this project and ICPC wants to assign each branch to one of the subprojects. In other words, the branches will form ss disjoint groups, with each group in charge of a subproject.

At the end of each month, each branch will send a message to every other branch in its group (a different message to each branch). ICPC has a particular protocol for its communications. Each branch ii has a secret key kik_ i known only to the branch and the ICPC headquarters. Assume branch ii wants to send a message to branch jj. Branch ii encrypts its message with its key kik_ i. A trusted courier picks up this message from this branch and delivers it to the ICPC headquarters. Headquarters decrypts the message with key kik_ i and re-encrypts it with key kjk_ j. The courier then delivers this newly encrypted message to branch jj, which decrypts it with its own key kjk_ j. For security reasons, a courier can carry only one message at a time.

Given a road network and the locations of branches and the headquarters in this network, your task is to determine the minimum total distance that the couriers will need to travel to deliver all the end-of-month messages, over all possible assignments of branches to subprojects.


The first line of input contains four integers nn, bb, ss, and rr, where nn (2n50002 \le n \le 5\, 000) is the number of intersections, bb (1bn11 \le b \le n-1) is the number of branches, ss (1sb1 \le s \le b) is the number of subprojects, and rr (1r500001 \le r \le 50\, 000) is the number of roads. The intersections are numbered from 11 through nn. The branches are at intersections 11 through bb, and the headquarters is at intersection b+1b + 1. Each of the next rr lines contains three integers uu, vv, and \ell , indicating a one-way road from intersection uu to a different intersection vv (1u,vn1 \leq u,v \leq n) of length \ell (0100000 \leq \ell \leq 10\, 000). No ordered pair (u,v)(u,v) appears more than once, and from any intersection it is possible to reach every other intersection.


Display the minimum total distance that the couriers will need to travel.



给定一个 nn 个点,rr 条边的有向强连通图,正整数 s,bs,b 满足 1sbn11\le s\le b \le n-1。第 b+1b+1 个点称为总部。点 xx 向点 yy 发送信息的代价是 dis(x,b+1)+dis(b+1,y)dis(x,b+1)+dis(b+1,y)
现将点集 {1,2,,b}\{1,2,\cdots,b\} 划分为 ss 个不相交的子集 S1,S2,,SsS_1,S_2,\cdots,S_s。同一个子集内的点两两之间会互相发送信息。求最小化总代价。


2n50002\le n \le 50001sbn11\le s\le b\le n-11r500001\le r\le 50000,边权非负且不大于 1000010000

5 4 2 10
5 2 1
2 5 1
3 5 5
4 5 0
1 5 1
2 3 1
3 2 5
2 4 5
2 1 1
3 4 2


5 4 2 10
5 2 1
2 5 1
3 5 5
4 5 10
1 5 1
2 3 1
3 2 5
2 4 5
2 1 1
3 4 2



Time limit: 2000 ms, Memory limit: 1048576 kB.

International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) World Finals 2016