#P6255. [ICPC 2019 WF] Dead-End Detector

[ICPC 2019 WF] Dead-End Detector


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The council of your home town has decided to improve road sign placement,especially for dead ends. They have given you a road map, and you must determine where to put up signs to mark the dead ends. They want you to use as few signs as possible.

The road map is a collection of locations connected by two-way streets. The following rule describes how to obtain a complete placement of dead-end signs. Consider a street SS connecting a location xx with another location. The xx-entrance of SS gets a dead-end sign if, after entering SS from xx, it is not possible to come back to xx without making a U-turn. A U-turn is a 180-degree turn immediately reversing the direction.

To save costs, you have decided not to install redundant dead-end signs, as specified by the following rule. Consider a street SS with a dead-end sign at its xx-entrance and another street TT with a dead-end sign at its yy-entrance. If, after entering SS from xx, it is possible to go to yy and enter TT without making a U-turn, the dead-end sign at the yy-entrance of TT is redundant. See Figure E.1 for examples.

Figure E.1: Illustration of sample inputs, indicating where non-redundant dead-end signs are placed.


The first line of input contains two integers nn and mm, where nn (1n5×105)(1 \leq n \leq 5\times10^5) is the number of locations and mm (0m5×105)(0 \leq m \leq 5 \times 10^5) is the number of streets. Each of the following mm lines contains two integers vv and ww (1v<wn)(1 \leq v \lt w \leq n) indicating that there is a two-way street connecting locations vv and ww. All location pairs in the input are distinct.


On the first line, output kk, the number of dead-end signs installed. On each of the next kk lines, output two integers vv and ww marking that a dead-end sign should be installed at the vv-entrance of a street connecting locations vv and ww. The lines describing dead-end signs must be sorted in ascending order of vv-locations,breaking ties in ascending order of ww-locations.


有一张 nn 个点 mm 条边的简单无向图。

如果走过一条边 uvu→v 后,不掉头无法返回到 u,这条边就是对 uu 来说的“死路”。


如果从一个死路 uvu→v 开始可以不掉头地走到另一个死路 uvu' → v',那么后者 uvu' → v' 就是多余的。

最后问要标记多少路标,输出每对 uvu→v,按照 uu 为第一关键字,vv 为第二关键字排序。

第一行输入 nn , mm ,后 mm 行每行两个整数 uu , vv

输出的第一行是要标记的路标数 kk ,然后 kk 行每行一对题目所说的死路 : uvu→v (不要输出“”)。

6 5
1 2
1 3
2 3
4 5
5 6

4 5
6 5
8 8
1 2
1 3
2 3
3 4
1 5
1 6
6 7
6 8

1 5
1 6
3 4


Source: ICPC World Finals 2019 Problem E.