#P10828. [EC Final 2020] Fillomino
[EC Final 2020] Fillomino
Prof. Pang is the king of Pangland. Pangland is a board with size . The cell at the -th row and the -th column is denoted as cell for all . If two cells share an edge, they are connected. The board is , that is, cell is also connected to and is also connected to for all .
Prof. Pang has three sons. We call them the first son, the second son and the third son. Each of them lives in a cell in Pangland. The -th son lives in cell . No two sons live in the same cell. Prof. Pang wants to distribute the cells in Pangland to his sons such that
- Each cell belongs to exactly one son.
- There are cells that belong to the -th son for all .
- The cells that belong to the -th son are connected for all .
- The cell that the -th son lives in must belong to the -th son himself for all .
Please help Prof. Pang to find a solution if possible.
The first line contains a single integer () denoting the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains two integers () separated by a single space.
The next line contains three positive integers () separated by single spaces.
The -th line of the next lines contains two integers () separated by a single space.
It is guaranteed that , , are distinct.
It is guaranteed that the sum of over all test cases is no more than .
For each test case, if there is no solution, output in one line. Otherwise, output lines. Each line should contain characters. The -th character in the -th line should be if cell belongs to the first son, if cell belongs to the second son and if cell belongs to the third son. Cell must belong to the -th son for all . The cells that belong to the -th son must be connected for all .
3 3
1 3 5
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5 6
2 2
2 3
3 3