#P819A. Mister B and Boring Game
Mister B and Boring Game
Sometimes Mister B has free evenings when he doesn't know what to do. Fortunately, Mister B found a new game, where the player can play against aliens.
All characters in this game are lowercase English letters. There are two players: Mister B and his competitor.
Initially the players have a string s consisting of the first a English letters in alphabetical order (for example, if a = 5, then s equals to "abcde").
The players take turns appending letters to string s. Mister B moves first.
Mister B must append exactly b letters on each his move. He can arbitrary choose these letters. His opponent adds exactly a letters on each move.
Mister B quickly understood that his opponent was just a computer that used a simple algorithm. The computer on each turn considers the suffix of string s of length a and generates a string t of length a such that all letters in the string t are distinct and don't appear in the considered suffix. From multiple variants of t lexicographically minimal is chosen (if a = 4 and the suffix is "bfdd", the computer chooses string t equal to "aceg"). After that the chosen string t is appended to the end of s.
Mister B soon found the game boring and came up with the following question: what can be the minimum possible number of different letters in string s on the segment between positions l and r, inclusive. Letters of string s are numerated starting from 1.
First and only line contains four space-separated integers: a, b, l and r (1 ≤ a, b ≤ 12, 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ 109) — the numbers of letters each player appends and the bounds of the segment.
Print one integer — the minimum possible number of different letters in the segment from position l to position r, inclusive, in string s.
First and only line contains four space-separated integers: a, b, l and r (1 ≤ a, b ≤ 12, 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ 109) — the numbers of letters each player appends and the bounds of the segment.
Print one integer — the minimum possible number of different letters in the segment from position l to position r, inclusive, in string s.
1 1 1 8
4 2 2 6
3 7 4 6
In the first sample test one of optimal strategies generate string s = "abababab...", that's why answer is 2.
In the second sample test string s = "abcdbcaefg..." can be obtained, chosen segment will look like "bcdbc", that's why answer is 3.
In the third sample test string s = "abczzzacad..." can be obtained, chosen, segment will look like "zzz", that's why answer is 1.