#P530G. Levenshtein distance

Levenshtein distance


Levenshtein distance between two strings of letters is calculated as the minimal total cost of a sequence of edit actions that converts one of the strings into the other one. The allowed edit actions are:

  • substitution: the cost of substituting one letter with another is equal to the difference of index numbers of these letters in English alphabet.
  • insertion/deletion: the cost of inserting a letter into a string or deleting a letter from a string is equal to the index number of this letter in English alphabet (see examples).

You are given two strings. Find the Levenshtein distance between them.

The input data consists of two lines, each line contains a string of lowercase Latin letters. Each string is between 1 and 100 letters long, inclusive.

Output a single integer — the Levenshtein distance between the strings.


The input data consists of two lines, each line contains a string of lowercase Latin letters. Each string is between 1 and 100 letters long, inclusive.


Output a single integer — the Levenshtein distance between the strings.






In the first example you should replace a with b (cost 1), r with u (cost 3) and c with g (cost 4).

In the second example you should insert r (cost 18) are replace m with n (cost 1).