#P1778A. Flip Flop Sum
Flip Flop Sum
You are given an array of $n$ integers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$. The integers are either $1$ or $-1$. You have to perform the following operation exactly once on the array $a$:
- Choose an index $i$ ($1 \leq i < n$) and flip the signs of $a_i$ and $a_{i+1}$. Here, flipping the sign means $-1$ will be $1$ and $1$ will be $-1$.
What is the maximum possible value of $a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_n$ after applying the above operation?
Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases $t$ ($1 \le t \le 500$). Description of the test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer $n$ ($2 \le n \le 10^5$), the length of the array $a$.
The next line contains $n$ integers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$ ($a_i = 1$ or $a_i = -1$).
The sum of $n$ over all cases doesn't exceed $10^5$.
For each test case, print the maximum possible sum of the array $a$ you can get in a separate line.
Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases $t$ ($1 \le t \le 500$). Description of the test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer $n$ ($2 \le n \le 10^5$), the length of the array $a$.
The next line contains $n$ integers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$ ($a_i = 1$ or $a_i = -1$).
The sum of $n$ over all cases doesn't exceed $10^5$.
For each test case, print the maximum possible sum of the array $a$ you can get in a separate line.
-1 1 1 -1 -1
1 1 -1 -1 -1
1 1
1 -1 -1 1
In the first case, we can choose index $4$ and flip the signs of $a_4$ and $a_5$. After this operation, the sum will be $-1+1+1+1+1 = 3$. We can't make the sum larger than this.
In the third case, the only option is to choose the index $1$.