#P1740G. Dangerous Laser Power
Dangerous Laser Power
Pak Chanek has an $n \times m$ grid of portals. The portal on the $i$-th row and $j$-th column is denoted as portal $(i,j)$. The portals $(1,1)$ and $(n,m)$ are on the north-west and south-east corner of the grid respectively.
The portal $(i,j)$ has two settings:
- Type $t_{i,j}$, which is either $0$ or $1$.
- Strength $s_{i,j}$, which is an integer between $1$ and $10^9$ inclusive.
When a laser enters face $k$ of portal $(i, j)$ with speed $x_\text{in}$, it leaves the portal going out of face $(k+2+t_{i,j}) \bmod 4$ with speed $x_\text{out} = \max(x_\text{in},s_{i,j})$. The portal also has to consume $x_\text{out} - x_\text{in}$ units of energy.
Pak Chanek is very bored today. He will shoot $4nm$ lasers with an initial speed of $1$, one into each face of each portal. Each laser will travel throughout this grid of portals until it moves outside the grid or it has passed through $10^{100}$ portals.
At the end, Pak Chanek thinks that a portal is good if and only if the total energy consumed by that portal modulo $2$ is equal to its type. Given the strength settings of all portals, find a way to assign the type settings of each portal such that the number of good portals is maximised.
The first line contains two integers $n$ and $m$ ($1 \le n, m \le 1000$) — the number of rows and columns in the grid.
The $i$-th of the next $n$ lines contains $m$ integers, with the $j$-th integer being $s_{i,j}$ ($1 \leq s_{i,j} \leq 10^9$) — the strength of portal $(i, j)$.
Print $n$ lines with each line containing a string of length $m$ consisting of characters $0$ or $1$ representing the type settings. The $j$-th character in the $i$-th string is the type setting of portal $(i, j)$.
If there are multiple solutions, you can output any of them.
The first line contains two integers $n$ and $m$ ($1 \le n, m \le 1000$) — the number of rows and columns in the grid.
The $i$-th of the next $n$ lines contains $m$ integers, with the $j$-th integer being $s_{i,j}$ ($1 \leq s_{i,j} \leq 10^9$) — the strength of portal $(i, j)$.
Print $n$ lines with each line containing a string of length $m$ consisting of characters $0$ or $1$ representing the type settings. The $j$-th character in the $i$-th string is the type setting of portal $(i, j)$.
If there are multiple solutions, you can output any of them.
2 3
8 8 2
6 5 7
1 2
420 69
In the first example, let's consider the laser Pak Chanek shoots into face $1$ of portal $(2, 2)$. The laser travels as follows:
- The laser enters face $1$ of portal $(2, 2)$ with speed $1$. It leaves the portal going out of face $3$ with speed $5$. Portal $(2, 2)$ consumes $4$ units of energy.
- The laser enters face $1$ of portal $(2, 1)$ with speed $5$. It leaves the portal going out of face $0$ with speed $6$. Portal $(2, 1)$ consumes $1$ units of energy.
- The laser enters face $2$ of portal $(1, 1)$ with speed $6$. It leaves the portal going out of face $1$ with speed $8$. Portal $(1, 1)$ consumes $2$ units of energy.
- The laser enters face $3$ of portal $(1, 2)$ with speed $8$. It leaves the portal going out of face $2$ with speed $8$. Portal $(1, 2)$ consumes $0$ units of energy.
- The laser enters face $0$ of portal $(2, 2)$ with speed $8$. It leaves the portal going out of face $2$ with speed $8$. Portal $(2, 2)$ consumes $0$ units of energy.
The illustration of the travel of the laser above is as follows.
As an example, consider portal $(2, 3)$. We can calculate that the total energy consumed by that portal in the end will be $32$. Since $32 \bmod 2 = 0$ and $t_{2,3} = 0$, then it is a good portal.