#P1498A. GCD Sum
The $\text{$gcdSum$}$ of a positive integer is the $gcd$ of that integer with its sum of digits. Formally, $\text{$gcdSum$}(x) = gcd(x, \text{ sum of digits of } x)$ for a positive integer $x$. $gcd(a, b)$ denotes the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$ — the largest integer $d$ such that both integers $a$ and $b$ are divisible by $d$.
For example: $\text{$gcdSum$}(762) = gcd(762, 7 + 6 + 2)=gcd(762,15) = 3$.
Given an integer $n$, find the smallest integer $x \ge n$ such that $\text{$gcdSum$}(x) > 1$.
The first line of input contains one integer $t$ $(1 \le t \le 10^4)$ — the number of test cases.
Then $t$ lines follow, each containing a single integer $n$ $(1 \le n \le 10^{18})$.
All test cases in one test are different.
Output $t$ lines, where the $i$-th line is a single integer containing the answer to the $i$-th test case.
The first line of input contains one integer $t$ $(1 \le t \le 10^4)$ — the number of test cases.
Then $t$ lines follow, each containing a single integer $n$ $(1 \le n \le 10^{18})$.
All test cases in one test are different.
Output $t$ lines, where the $i$-th line is a single integer containing the answer to the $i$-th test case.
Let us explain the three test cases in the sample.
Test case 1: $n = 11$:
$\text{$gcdSum$}(11) = gcd(11, 1 + 1) = gcd(11,\ 2) = 1$.
$\text{$gcdSum$}(12) = gcd(12, 1 + 2) = gcd(12,\ 3) = 3$.
So the smallest number $\ge 11$ whose $gcdSum$ $> 1$ is $12$.
Test case 2: $n = 31$:
$\text{$gcdSum$}(31) = gcd(31, 3 + 1) = gcd(31,\ 4) = 1$.
$\text{$gcdSum$}(32) = gcd(32, 3 + 2) = gcd(32,\ 5) = 1$.
$\text{$gcdSum$}(33) = gcd(33, 3 + 3) = gcd(33,\ 6) = 3$.
So the smallest number $\ge 31$ whose $gcdSum$ $> 1$ is $33$.
Test case 3: $\ n = 75$:
$\text{$gcdSum$}(75) = gcd(75, 7 + 5) = gcd(75,\ 12) = 3$.
The $\text{$gcdSum$}$ of $75$ is already $> 1$. Hence, it is the answer.