#P1380B. Universal Solution

Universal Solution


Recently, you found a bot to play "Rock paper scissors" with. Unfortunately, the bot uses quite a simple algorithm to play: he has a string $s = s_1 s_2 \dots s_{n}$ of length $n$ where each letter is either R, S or P.

While initializing, the bot is choosing a starting index $pos$ ($1 \le pos \le n$), and then it can play any number of rounds. In the first round, he chooses "Rock", "Scissors" or "Paper" based on the value of $s_{pos}$:

  • if $s_{pos}$ is equal to R the bot chooses "Rock";
  • if $s_{pos}$ is equal to S the bot chooses "Scissors";
  • if $s_{pos}$ is equal to P the bot chooses "Paper";

In the second round, the bot's choice is based on the value of $s_{pos + 1}$. In the third round — on $s_{pos + 2}$ and so on. After $s_n$ the bot returns to $s_1$ and continues his game.

You plan to play $n$ rounds and you've already figured out the string $s$ but still don't know what is the starting index $pos$. But since the bot's tactic is so boring, you've decided to find $n$ choices to each round to maximize the average number of wins.

In other words, let's suggest your choices are $c_1 c_2 \dots c_n$ and if the bot starts from index $pos$ then you'll win in $win(pos)$ rounds. Find $c_1 c_2 \dots c_n$ such that $\frac{win(1) + win(2) + \dots + win(n)}{n}$ is maximum possible.

The first line contains a single integer $t$ ($1 \le t \le 1000$) — the number of test cases.

Next $t$ lines contain test cases — one per line. The first and only line of each test case contains string $s = s_1 s_2 \dots s_{n}$ ($1 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10^5$; $s_i \in \{\text{R}, \text{S}, \text{P}\}$) — the string of the bot.

It's guaranteed that the total length of all strings in one test doesn't exceed $2 \cdot 10^5$.

For each test case, print $n$ choices $c_1 c_2 \dots c_n$ to maximize the average number of wins. Print them in the same manner as the string $s$.

If there are multiple optimal answers, print any of them.


The first line contains a single integer $t$ ($1 \le t \le 1000$) — the number of test cases.

Next $t$ lines contain test cases — one per line. The first and only line of each test case contains string $s = s_1 s_2 \dots s_{n}$ ($1 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10^5$; $s_i \in \{\text{R}, \text{S}, \text{P}\}$) — the string of the bot.

It's guaranteed that the total length of all strings in one test doesn't exceed $2 \cdot 10^5$.


For each test case, print $n$ choices $c_1 c_2 \dots c_n$ to maximize the average number of wins. Print them in the same manner as the string $s$.

If there are multiple optimal answers, print any of them.



In the first test case, the bot (wherever it starts) will always choose "Rock", so we can always choose "Paper". So, in any case, we will win all $n = 4$ rounds, so the average is also equal to $4$.

In the second test case:

  • if bot will start from $pos = 1$, then $(s_1, c_1)$ is draw, $(s_2, c_2)$ is draw and $(s_3, c_3)$ is draw, so $win(1) = 0$;
  • if bot will start from $pos = 2$, then $(s_2, c_1)$ is win, $(s_3, c_2)$ is win and $(s_1, c_3)$ is win, so $win(2) = 3$;
  • if bot will start from $pos = 3$, then $(s_3, c_1)$ is lose, $(s_1, c_2)$ is lose and $(s_2, c_3)$ is lose, so $win(3) = 0$;
The average is equal to $\frac{0 + 3 + 0}{3} = 1$ and it can be proven that it's the maximum possible average.

A picture from Wikipedia explaining "Rock paper scissors" game: