#P1328B. K-th Beautiful String

    ID: 3439 Type: RemoteJudge 1000ms 256MiB Tried: 0 Accepted: 0 Difficulty: 4 Uploaded By: Tags>binary searchbrute forcecombinatoricsimplementationmath*1300

K-th Beautiful String


For the given integer $n$ ($n > 2$) let's write down all the strings of length $n$ which contain $n-2$ letters 'a' and two letters 'b' in lexicographical (alphabetical) order.

Recall that the string $s$ of length $n$ is lexicographically less than string $t$ of length $n$, if there exists such $i$ ($1 \le i \le n$), that $s_i < t_i$, and for any $j$ ($1 \le j < i$) $s_j = t_j$. The lexicographic comparison of strings is implemented by the operator < in modern programming languages.

For example, if $n=5$ the strings are (the order does matter):

  1. aaabb
  2. aabab
  3. aabba
  4. abaab
  5. ababa
  6. abbaa
  7. baaab
  8. baaba
  9. babaa
  10. bbaaa

It is easy to show that such a list of strings will contain exactly $\frac{n \cdot (n-1)}{2}$ strings.

You are given $n$ ($n > 2$) and $k$ ($1 \le k \le \frac{n \cdot (n-1)}{2}$). Print the $k$-th string from the list.

The input contains one or more test cases.

The first line contains one integer $t$ ($1 \le t \le 10^4$) — the number of test cases in the test. Then $t$ test cases follow.

Each test case is written on the the separate line containing two integers $n$ and $k$ ($3 \le n \le 10^5, 1 \le k \le \min(2\cdot10^9, \frac{n \cdot (n-1)}{2})$.

The sum of values $n$ over all test cases in the test doesn't exceed $10^5$.

For each test case print the $k$-th string from the list of all described above strings of length $n$. Strings in the list are sorted lexicographically (alphabetically).


The input contains one or more test cases.

The first line contains one integer $t$ ($1 \le t \le 10^4$) — the number of test cases in the test. Then $t$ test cases follow.

Each test case is written on the the separate line containing two integers $n$ and $k$ ($3 \le n \le 10^5, 1 \le k \le \min(2\cdot10^9, \frac{n \cdot (n-1)}{2})$.

The sum of values $n$ over all test cases in the test doesn't exceed $10^5$.


For each test case print the $k$-th string from the list of all described above strings of length $n$. Strings in the list are sorted lexicographically (alphabetically).

5 1
5 2
5 8
5 10
3 1
3 2
20 100