#P1015F. Bracket Substring

Bracket Substring


You are given a bracket sequence $s$ (not necessarily a regular one). A bracket sequence is a string containing only characters '(' and ')'.

A regular bracket sequence is a bracket sequence that can be transformed into a correct arithmetic expression by inserting characters '1' and '+' between the original characters of the sequence. For example, bracket sequences "()()" and "(())" are regular (the resulting expressions are: "(1)+(1)" and "((1+1)+1)"), and ")(", "(" and ")" are not.

Your problem is to calculate the number of regular bracket sequences of length $2n$ containing the given bracket sequence $s$ as a substring (consecutive sequence of characters) modulo $10^9+7$ ($1000000007$).

The first line of the input contains one integer $n$ ($1 \le n \le 100$) — the half-length of the resulting regular bracket sequences (the resulting sequences must have length equal to $2n$).

The second line of the input contains one string $s$ ($1 \le |s| \le 200$) — the string $s$ that should be a substring in each of the resulting regular bracket sequences ($|s|$ is the length of $s$).

Print only one integer — the number of regular bracket sequences containing the given bracket sequence $s$ as a substring. Since this number can be huge, print it modulo $10^9+7$ ($1000000007$).


The first line of the input contains one integer $n$ ($1 \le n \le 100$) — the half-length of the resulting regular bracket sequences (the resulting sequences must have length equal to $2n$).

The second line of the input contains one string $s$ ($1 \le |s| \le 200$) — the string $s$ that should be a substring in each of the resulting regular bracket sequences ($|s|$ is the length of $s$).


Print only one integer — the number of regular bracket sequences containing the given bracket sequence $s$ as a substring. Since this number can be huge, print it modulo $10^9+7$ ($1000000007$).








All regular bracket sequences satisfying the conditions above for the first example:

  • "(((()))())";
  • "((()()))()";
  • "((()))()()";
  • "(()(()))()";
  • "()((()))()".

All regular bracket sequences satisfying the conditions above for the second example:

  • "((()))";
  • "(()())";
  • "(())()";
  • "()(())".

And there is no regular bracket sequences of length $4$ containing "(((" as a substring in the third example.